Four pillars that make health and fitness transformations last

Change your relationship with food and exercise (and yourself) using these 4 key elements of health and well-being

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Change your health and fitness mindset with our MAPS framework

Most people think mindset is about mental toughness and positive thinking. It's actually much more than that!

Pillar 1

Pillar 2

Pillar 3

pillar 4

Phases of Transformation


Advantages &

Motivation &

Pillar 1

Motivation &

What you think you need: discipline.

What we know you need: self-determination!

We leverage the science of motivation to help you develop a deep, desirable "why" and leverage your self-determination to help you persist through your journey.

Why it works:

Most people think about motivation in terms of "amount," but in self-determination theory looks at motivation "type."

Truth is, motivation is important because it energizes behavior.

It's not about getting more motivated, but helping you create the conditions to sustain motivation.

Self-determination is an essential component of this internal motivation and making changes that stick

It helps with consistency because you're acting of your own volition and being driven by values and personal qualities that matter to you rather than feeling pressure to change. This ownership increases buy-in, which lays the foundation for lasting change.

Pillar 2

Advantages and Limitations

We don't all have the same 24 hours.

You have limitations and obstacles that are unique to your abilities and lifestyle. You also have advantages and strengths that can be leveraged in pursuit of your goals!

Why it matters:

The first rule in helping anyone change is acknowledging what they're already great at and empowering them to do more of that.

Mediocre coaching focuses on where you're going wrong, which can be de-motivating and rob you of your self-determination. There's a better way.

You don't have to worry about your coach "fixing" your faults in check-ins. Optimization doesn't come from putting a magnifying glass on your flaws.

Instead, great coaching taps into your strengths while dissecting your struggles compassionately. With you leading the charge, you ensure we only focus on what's important to you.

Pillar 3

Phases of Transformation

There are 5 stages of transformation that everyone goes through during the behavior change process:

Not Ready, Deliberation, Planning, Implementation, Sustaining, and Mastering

This is based on a well-validated behavior change theory called the transtheoretical model, which lays the foundation of our coaching framework.

Why it works:

When you work with a coach, you sign on the dotted line that you're ready to make some changes. But that doesn't mean you're ready to make alllll the changes, at first.

It's our job to help you get ready!

We are trained in communication styles that help take you from 'thinking about changing' all the way to "taking action."

To reach the "sustaining change" stage, you'll have maintained health changes for 2-5 years (!!). Mastery is when you've achieved this for 5+ years!

Imagine how it would feel to make it to mastery?

This is why 12-week programs are a bad idea for behavior change.

Pillar 4


Your mindset is the lens through which you see the world.

And these lenses are influenced by your self-image and vice versa.

If you don't think you're the "type of person" to be consistent, eat healthy, exercise regularly, lose weight, run a marathon— whatever your goal may be—then it's not your actual abilities (or lack thereof) holding you back, it's your self-image!

Why this matters:

Our coaching framework includes specific attention surrounding your mindset, beliefs, and self-image. These are the cornerstone of what makes your goals possible.

How you view yourself and your abilities have a major influence on your behaviors and, consequently, your results!

Through our "cultivating a healthy identity" roadmap and defining your core values and priorities using principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, you're one step closer to becoming the "type of person" you want to be.

Our research-informed framework is what can help you forge your path to mastering hard things.

Use the power of our MAPS framework to achieve your goals

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Now is the best time to take control of your health and shape the results you see in this life. What do you have to lose (other than inconsistency and missed opportunity)?