Nutrition coaching for people who've tried it all but it hasn't stuck (yet)

Get a Coach

Your holistic solution to help you break free from overeating, self-sabotage, and diet-hopping once and for all


Macro & calorie tracking

Performance nutrition


Weight loss & body composition

Evidence-based - Macro & calorie tracking - Non-diet friendly - Performance nutrition - Weight loss & body composition

Behavior change

We ask our new clients how they would like their habits, health, and body to be different. They say things like:

  • "I wish for more consistency. I have done fad diets, restrictions, calorie counting all before, but always end up with what seems like excuses and failures." From our client, Sam

  • "I'd like to reduce boredom eating, increase fruits/veggies, and increase water intake." From our client, Mary.

  • "I tend to require perfection out of myself and if I don't meet that, I'm quick to spiral and start eating whatever I want." From our client, Sherrie-Lee

  • "I have gained a lot of weight in the past 6 months and I would like to get to a place where I'm eating in a balanced way that some of that might come off naturally." From our client, Heather.

What have you come here looking for?

Does this sound like you?

Change That Today

Sometimes it all feels too good to be true.

Stop overeating? Eliminate self-sabotage? Finally get and stay consistent?

What's makes this time any different?

We have a guess.

Most coaches, diet books, and personalized macros don't include the essential ingredient to lasting results: behavior change.

If it was enough to know what to eat, you'd be there by now! It's not a knowledge issue, it's a behavioral one.

What you actually need is to increase your behavior change IQ and that's what our nutrition coaches and personal trainers help you do.

We know this isn't your first rodeo. You've tried different coaches, apps, templates, and you're STILL struggling...

What combinging nutrition and behavior change looks like in action

Our MAPS framework uses the Stages of Change model, the science of motivation, positive psychology, components of Acceptance & Commitment Therapy to help you take and sustain committed action towards your goals.

When we say we help you with your mindset, that doesn't mean being a cheerleader and shouting positive affirmations. That's not "coaching."

With us, you won't just learn what to do, but how it works and why you're doing it, with the goal that you will be able to successfully coach yourself long after your time with Hard House ends, guaranteed.

This is what I need!

You need solutions that go above and beyond telling you to just be more disciplined. You need to learn how to be disciplined.

Teach me how

What It's Like to be a Client

Stay Laser Focused

Your Client Dashboard

Only track habits and metrics that matter to you. Macros (or not), activity, progress trends, healthy habits—your client dashboard is completely customized based on your preferences and goals.

beyond macros

Behavior Change Template

Our bread and butter. We go beyond nutrition and workout programs by helping you craft a behavior change template that will close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Your protocol will encompass change objectives (like reducing overeating, emotional eating, self-sabotage, inconsistency in the gym, and beyond) so you tackle the bad habits that keep you stuck.

With our nutrition coaches, you will

Get right to the root of why you do what you do. No more relying on cookie cutter meal plans and macro calculators that aren't guaranteed to work.

Overcome doubt and negative thinking using evidence-based strategies to help you develop a health mindset.

Get consistent and feel accomplished in your health and fitness goals using behavioral science.

Feel supported and validated through building a strong, connected coaching relationship that transcends beyond Hard House.

Just like these happy clients did

Client Christina & Coach Sandi

"Your method changes the person and the mentality behind it."

My coach helped me tackle everything: stress-eating, all-or-nothing thinking, my relationship with food. I can't thank her enough.

Amanda F.
Current Client

My coach has been patient with me and helped me understand why I struggled with all-or-nothing thinking.

I love that my coach recognizes we don't all have the same 24 hours. Being overweight, I had body image, confidence and clothing/fashion problems. This takes work but my coach helped me put in that effort and it's paying off!

Jayci A.
Current Client

I first started in CrossFit and came to Hard House to focus on my nutrition. Needless to say it's paying off.

I've learned when I can say yes to having ice cream with my son and also when it's better for me to decline an extra portion. Learning what moderation looks like in actual practice is what's helped me keep consistent for over a year!

Carl A.
Current Client

Julie B.
Current Client

Allie H.
Current Client

Shawna C.
Current Client

Current Client

Shani M.
Current Client

Ashley H.
Current Client

Develop a behavior change blueprint that will help you tackle limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, and overeating


Nutrition & Training

Choose Your Adventure

Whether you're looking for support in just your nutrition, or you want the entire experience, both packages receive the VIP treatment from day one. We have 4, 6 and 12 month packages available.

Receive a personalized nutrition plan crafted with your input, lifestyle, preferences, and goals in mind

Gain an understanding about how food and exercise influence your body, metabolism, and overall physiology

Text and voice messaging access with your coach when you need her

A client resource library to supplement the work you're doing with your coach

Complimentary access to Hard House University, our private health behavior change membership

A customized training protocol built to help you smash physical barriers and achieve your performance/body composition goals
(includes weightlifting, conditioning, and/or running)

An optional monthly live call with your coach for real-time planning, coaching and connection

I'm reading to start!

You've said you were going to get your sh*t together and haven't, and don't know why.

You obsess over your weight, but that's not helping you actually lose it (nevermind keeping it off).

You've spent your hard earned money on this stuff in the past and it didn't pay off. You're right to be concerned if this will work. But...

Nobody likes working towards something for 10 years only to see ZERO changes.

It IS possible for this ^
to become this:

It IS possible to see this happen for you:

Sara Breyer

sara's instagram

Julie B.

julie's instagram

taylor gray

taylor's instagram

karin nordin

Chat With Our Clients

holly allen

holly's instagram

christina delvecchio

These gals are open to sharing their honest experience working with our coaching staff

This is where I need to be

How to Get Started


24-36 hours

2-3 days

1 week

week 1

month 1

Take 1-3 minutes to apply and get your foot through the door. We will review your app promptly and pair you with the coach we believe will be the best fit (unless you've already chosen!)

meet your coach

Your coach will email and introduce herself to you. You'll have the option to schedule a zoom or telephone call if you'd like. At this time, you'll complete an in-depth health and diet history intake form so we can learn what your needs, wishes and desires are, and how we may be able to help.

start crafting your plan

We provide an in-depth overview for how our coaching methods and protocols can help you achieve your goals, what to expect in that process, and answer any questions you may have. This is your first glimpse of how coaching with us works. You'll leave blown away by the in-depth care your coach shows you before you've even signed on the dotted line.

you're ready to join

You decide this is the place to be. Congratulations! Our admin team works with you on your payment and contract details where we offer a variety of payment options best suited for your budget. Your coach is then given the green light to start onboarding!

onboarding begins!

We start developing your protocol(s) to get you started. No two clients start at the same place. You'll notice how collaborative and involved you are as the client. At this time, you'll be invited to join our client portal, and we'll walk you through best practices and what to expect. We start building out your profile so you can get to work right away.

getting to work

You're beginning your first few check-ins, beginning to get a hang of what it's like to have a high-touch coach in your corner as you start taking the baby steps towards your goals.

I'm ready to apply!

It's your turn.

You deserve not to leave progress on the table. It's time to bring in a support system that can help you bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be.